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Backpack Loads on School Children

Written By Hall Chiropractic on August 17, 2022


The Impact of Backpack Loads on School Children: A Critical Narrative Review


I am a chiropractor (surprise!). My wife is a retired elementary school principal (God bless her!). We debated for years over school backpacks. Since she’s now retired, I get the final word. Here goes…


The overall weight of a student’s backpack is not important. The weight of the pack relative to the individual child’s body weight is the thing. Twenty-one separate studies concluded that the pack should weigh NO MORE than 10% of the child’s body weight. That’s right, your 60 pound minion should carry no more than six pounds on their back. The studies show that carrying as little as 15% of their own body weight can contribute to a child’s risk of altered body mechanics (forward leaning), musculoskeletal injury, fatigue, redness, swelling and discomfort. 1.


I have actually weighed backpacks of elementary age students. Some of them have literally been a staggering 40% of the child’s body weight! What weighs so much!? Well, there’s the essentials like books, laptops, pencils and calculators. But then there’s the add-ons like sports / band equipment, shoes, lunch boxes, water bottles. The list is as long and variable as you have time and imagination.


Young children marching off to school heavily burdened by backpacks has led to a rising rate of posture changes and non-specific back pain among school children. Growing spines are vulnerable to physical stresses, like overloaded backpacks, which can lead to back and neck pain. The human skeletal system doesn’t fully

develop until about the age of 20 therefore it is important that we adults safeguard that growth and development while our kids backpack through 12 years of school.


What to Do?

  • Carry the backpack using BOTH shoulder straps (padded and adjustable) no more than 4” below the waist.
  • Get rid of the nonessentials. A smaller backpack will require prioritizing ‘essential’.
  • Compartmentalize for balance and comfort with heavy objects below and sharp objects away from the body.
  • Consider stowing a separate pack with nonessentials (like after school stuff) in a locker or other secure place.
  • Giving homage to my darling principal’s pet peeve; Backpacks on wheels present their own risks by cluttering hallways, potentially resulting in dangerous trips and falls and should be used cautiously and only by those students who are not physically able to carry a backpack.




Hall Chiropractic can help…

Dr. Hall has treated patients from one day to 100 years old for over 35 years. The Hall Chiropractic System of care begins with addressing the cause of a problem – not just the symptoms. Our comprehensive plan includes clinical and home care to strengthen muscles, improve posture, and increase mobility. Our office is open from 7AM and we accept most health insurances.


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Posted In: Children's Health